Abstract submission


  1. Deadline
    The deadline for electronic submission is Wednesday 1 April 2022 (12 pm UTC)
  2. Abstract limit
    We do not place an absolute restriction on the number of abstracts you may submit.
  3. Character limit
    There is a limit of 350 words for the text of your submission. This is excluding the title of you submission.
  4. Title
    The title of your submission should not exceed 150 characters. Please use capital letters only where essential.
  5. Subheadings
    Abstracts should be structured using the following subheadings: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions. For case-reports, we suggest you do not use subheadings.
  6. Keywords
    Adding keywords to your abstract is not necessary.
  7. Tables and images
    Tables and figures cannot be copied and pasted into the abstract. Please send them separately by email.
  8. Presentation type
    All abstracts will be considered for oral presentation or poster presentation. Please let us know if you are not able to present orally (in English).
  9. Young investigator award*
    If you believe your abstract qualifies you for the Young Investigator Award*, please send us your proof of trainee status and a motivational letter.
  10. Submission questions
    Please ask your question by filling in the form on our website.

* Young Investigator Award: This award will be handed to the most promising abstract written and presented by a young researcher, who has not yet completed her/his study.2
